Students who are taking English IV AP are required to prepare three works over the summer. 

1.  Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  This is a collection of poetic essays in which Anne Morrow Lindbergh reflects on her life.  Although she is attempting to sort out her life as a middle aged, married woman, the book speaks to women of all ages in all stages of life. What does it say to you as you are about to begin your senior year?

You are responsible for reading the following essays

As you read, keep a reader's response journal of your thoughts and reactions to each of Lindbergh's essays.  Please bring a typed hard copy of your response journal to our first class meeting. You will be expected to share your responses and insights with the class. The  journals will be the basis of the class discussion of the book.

  2.  Mythology by Edith Hamilton. 

The AP course will cover several classical pieces of literature that requires a working knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology.  Attached are work sheets that outline what you are responsible for from the text.  There will be an objective test on the material within the first cycle of classes.

  3. Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

This novel will be the first work discussed and analyzed in the second cycle. It is important that you have read the novel completely by that time. Attached is a work sheet on the novel. Please type your response to the questions and your reactions to the quotes. (Feel free to include any other quotes that seem significant to you.). Bring a completed hard copy of the work sheet to class.

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